Laurie J. James, MCD, CCELW, CDCC – Owner of, LLC. Some of Laurie’s industry highlights include: Becoming Louisiana’s FIRST Master Career Director, Certified Career Enlightenment LinkedIn Writer, and Certified DISC™styles Communications Consultant. Co-Founding & serving as the 1st President of the Professional Resume Writing & Research Association (PRWRA), which was rebranded in 2005 to […]
Colleague Spotlight – Angela Ashurst-McGee
Angela Ashurst-McGee, CPRW is the President & Founder of RedRocketResume. In the last ten years, she has written thousands of resumes for professionals across the globe and at every career level—from high school students to Fortune 50 VPs. She created to offer premier resume writing with personalized service. Her passion is to make the […]
Colleague Spotlight: Janet Beckstrom
Janet Beckstrom, Master Resume Writer (MRW), Academy Certified Resume Writer (ACRW), and Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), with Janet, a multi-certified and published resume writer, has been partnering with clients to craft their career success since 1991. Janet provides resumes/CVs, cover letters, letters of introduction, thank you/follow-up letters, LinkedIn and other social media profiles, […]
Colleague Spotlight – Tara Orchard
Tara Orchard, MA, is the principal consultant and founder of a career coaching business [Career-Coach Canada]. A social networking expert, she has been a featured writer/expert for two online business magazines. She offers a full range of career transition and performance coaching services: career assessment, brand identification, resume writing, job search and interview training and […]
Colleague Spotlight – Virginia Franco
Virginia Franco operates Virginia Franco Resumes. She offers an array of services, including resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, recruiter distribution, interview crib sheets, cover and thank you letters. Virginia is 3X certified (NCRW, CPRW, CEIP), and holds an MSW and B.A. in Journalism. She shares her insights as a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and in […]
Colleague Spotlight – Meg Montford
Meg Montford, Executive Career Coach & President with Abilities Enhanced. Meg provides professional career coaching with an emphasis on a career change and transition. She launched her business as a professional resume writer and steered it toward career coaching when she discovered how she was investing so much time into coaching resume clients before she […]
Colleague Spotlight – Chuck Castagnolo
Chuck Castagnolo. Founder and Executive Director of Bridges to Jobs. Bridges to Jobs is a State of California adult education program. It offers a proprietary curriculum that covers multiple aspects of job acquisition skills, of which helping people with their resumes, and teaching them interviewing skills, is just a small part of how they help […]
Colleague Spotlight – Will Wegert
1. What led you to writing resumes? Do you have a background that made you an ideal fit for the industry? The truth is, out of college I was a major “job-hopper.” When I graduated, I took a sales position that I thought would be the perfect job for the rest of my career. But […]
Colleague Spotlight – Robert Linderer
The first resume I wrote was my junior year in college. The Sunday classifieds had a job listing that caught my attention, but there was a hitch. All candidates were instructed to bring a resume to a “cattle call” session on Monday. I like challenges and with the encouragement of my fiancé (now my wife) […]
Colleague Spotlight – Rashauna Arnold
1. What led you to writing resumes? Do you have a background that made you an ideal fit for the industry? Resume writing was actually something I just stumbled upon. I did not even know about resume writing as a profession, until I was looking for writing jobs online and came across an ad for […]