The word resume is French and means consolidation of experience and education, which is why the proper spelling of the word has French accent marks above the e’s.
Where To Get The é
Start by opening your MS Word, selecting “Insert” and Times New Roman from the drop-down menu, and searching for the é.
Once found, highlight and insert it into your document.
Lastly, add the letters r s u m around the é and copy and paste another é at the end.
Easy enough, right?
Or, to speed the process, skip the above and copy résumé from this page. 😉
You can update your software to autocorrect to include the accent marks for you, each time you type resume. Here’s how:
First, open Word.
Second, select Tools and AutoCorrect.
Third, input “resume” in the first column and “résumé” in the next.
Lastly, click “add.”
How Résumé Affects Your Website’s SEO
Résumé is being used less these days because it may hinder your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.
Here’s how:
Essentially, major search engines, such as Google, once had trouble interpreting the accent marks, and therefore, put gobbledygook in place of the word. Google doesn’t seem to have the same issue with it as it once did; however, there are some other applications that do.
Plus, look at your site from the visitor’s viewpoint.
Job seekers search for resume writer, not résumé writer, which can skew your website’s SERPs if your site’s content uses the word with the accent marks instead of the searcher’s first choice.
Something else to consider is that the accent marks have become obsolete in most applications.
Ask yourself, what’s the purpose of keeping the accent marks?
The answer is that they don’t really serve a purpose.
Will you ever have good reason to use résumé?